On May 13, 2018, at 10:03 AM, wrote: A little easier to read… Ok, here is the skinny and what my observation is from being on the inside and working with the "on air" group. 1. I offered to GIVE them, free of charge http://newsstalker.com (to have a short simple url) and http://webuyfreedom.com (to have a way to make money off of KNOWN GOOD PRODUCTS advertising) to help fund the expenses a. Pamphlet turned it down b. Claims to have never seen the original email but then claims to all that he reads the emails and when I addressed it, he clammed up. c. There is NO reason for an organization to avoid funding itself and the easier the better and the important thing for the organization to do is to be INDEPENDENT. d. OFFER is off the table now after I saw the childish style attacks on Dr C and AJ i. I have problems with AJ but overall he is a good man. We are all flawed but to put him in a class, the CBTS folks have, is uncalled for. e. When I say GIVE, I meant GIVE without my name, likeness, direction or monetary exchange. 2. The materials you sent are the same thing in reverse. a. They are attacking the members and demonizing them as if they are intentionally misleading and I did not witness this and I was/am in the participation group. Believe me when I say this, it seems their hearts are in the right place but they are simply immature and being mislead by something and the only thing I can point to that I KNOW is a possibility is the NEW Q group which is not the same. b. I cannot share these screen shots for two reasons; Reference smaller windows are completely unreadable. And lastly, it is an attempted divisional message that is customary when you are under a COMMUNIST attack. Make no mistake, there is a CIA attack right now on all INDEPENDENT media and AJ and DR C are on top. They are using the PATRIOTS SOAPBOX as an instrument to spread the division and the SOAP BOX is UNKNOWINGLY involved but we are now at a phase where because of this, the entire freedom and takedown of the deep state is in jeopardy. 3. There is NO leadership that is qualified. a. No quality control b. No discernment c. Egging on attacks of other TRUTH movements d. Divisive internally e. Passive i. A real leader would be telling all of those stupid enough to attack Dr C that their energy is better off SETTING THE STAGE by way of contacting MSM media blogs and posts they can reply on. ii. Because they DO NOT organize activity among the viewership to attack KNOWN enemies AND they attack CRYPTIC enemies that Q claims are posing as good when bad, since Q is UNKNOWN, for all intents and purposes, AND these other entities have been responsible to ELECTING THE PRESIDENT, red pilling millions and are DEMONIZED by the MSM. Action is louder than words and I am afraid THE PATRIOT SOAPBOX is in trouble. There is a strange possibility the Q movement is being actually funded by the ones that control the deep state. They may be using it as a tool to take down independent journalists once they ramp up the secret video nonsense. I am calling it nonsense because if a video that is that graphic actually exists and was in law enforcements hands, there is no way in hell that bitch and her counter part would be free, no way. And too, who would have filmed the damn thing and who would have been stupid enough to allow it. In closing, there are three tactics being played; Demonize the funding (all sides), Demonize the contributor (all sides) and taking the air out of the FIGHT balloon by way of rendering PATRIOTS with paralyzing second guessing on how they are to conduct their time and whom to trust. The only thing that will save the movement is to FIRE Q and aggressively work with the anons that are participants to do the dirty work, instead of sitting there like chicks waiting for the momma bird (Q) to drop worms in their mouth (contaminated data) that is poison to the MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN movement. As long as we have these unqualified "HERES WHAT WE ARE DOING", never been there, never done it, manipulators with poison, the entire movement is now DAMNED. And, You can quote me. God bless you and your wife, Erich From: Mark xxxxxxxxxxx Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2018 9:30 AM To: Erich Subject: Fwd: More interesting. . . . Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Carrie xxxxx Sent from my